Coming Up at Liberty Church London

Baptism Interest Class
One of the traditional sacraments we hold to is water baptism. If you are interested in baptism we would love you to join our Interest Class. By joining the class you are not committing to be baptised, this is just a chance for us to talk through what baptism is and for you to ask some questions. SIGN UP HERE.

Welcome To Liberty (for everyone new, or newer to Liberty)
New to Liberty? Our elders would LOVE to meet you, hear your story and share a little more about Liberty Church London. Join us for an hour on Zoom where we can chat, answer your questions and help you find you place as part of our community.

Join the Liberty Family (membership class)
Like most things, to get the best out of the church you need to know that we are committed to you and we need to know you are committed to us. We’re not in this just because it feels good or until something better comes along or because it’s fun (which it often is!). We are in this because God has called us here for this season. Anyone can run 100 metres but it takes commitment to win a race. We want you to fulfil your potential in God, see you thrive in the gifts He has given you, and that is going to take commitment – from you and from us.
To find out more join us on Zoom on Sunday 11th Feb at 7-8pm. SIGN UP HERE

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting
Starting the year strong matters. If you watch Usain Bolt in the Olympics, he spends far longer getting into the starting blocks than he does actually running the 100 metres. The reason is the outcome of the race is affected by the strength of the start. Click Here for more information and the sign up.

Christmas Carols (feat Salvation Army Brass Band)
As Buddy the elf says “the best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear”. On Sunday December 3rd we would like to invite you to join us for a Christmas Carols at Liberty Church. We are going to be joined by the Salvation Army Brass band so it really will be Christmas vibes. Christmas is one of the most important celebrations in the church calendar celebrating the birth of Jesus.

"Seek first" Prayer & Worship Night
We believe that prayer is powerful. We as a church hold regular prayer and worship nights at St Hilda's East, Shoreditch with a theme of "Seek First". We spend an evening together corporately seeking God's Kingdom before anything else in London. Places are limited, please sign up here
Making Liberty Home
We want to ensure we have authentic community at Liberty Church, and one way we try and ensure that happens is through family membership.

All Team Prayer and Worship Night
If you serve on team, or are interested in serving on team, then we would love you to join us for an all team prayer and worship night at St Hilda's East.
We will gather to worship God for who He is and pray for revival in our city.
Doors open at 6:30pm for a 7pm start. We will be finished by 9pm. Places are limited so please sign up asap.

On Saturday, October 14, 2023, thousands of people will hit the streets in hundreds of cities across the globe to walk in a single file line–holding posters and handing out flyers–to reach their city with information about human trafficking and how to end it. Sign up here

Community Groups Autumn
Church isn’t an event on a certain day for the week. Church is a community of people who follow Jesus together. Our Community Groups are a vital part of church life. Click here to view the groups.

Making Liberty Home
Liberty Church London is a community of people following Jesus together in 21st Century London. We believe we weren’t designed for isolation but live out our lives with others. We would love to tell you more about what that looks like at Liberty in terms of our vision and our values as a church. SIGN UP TO JOIN US.

Christmas Service Planning
Christmas is such a great time to invite people who wouldn't usually attend a church service to come. We want to ensure our Christmas service on Sunday 3rd December is a vibe that everyone wants to bring friends and family to.
We want to put together a planning team to put the service together. We will have a first meeting on Wednesday 20th September on Zoom, but sign up even if you can't make it so we can get you connected to future meetings. SIGN UP HERE.

Making Liberty Home
On Sunday 6th August after the service we will have a "Making Liberty Home" gathering upstairs at St Hilda's.
It's a chance for Jonny & Tasha to share the story of Liberty Church London so far, and our vision for where we are headed as a church. Sign Up HERE.

Brotherhood BBQ
Following on from our wonderful weekend away, we are having a BBQ for the men of Liberty Church. We would love all the men to join us. Sign up here.

Sisterhood Garden Party
To celebrate the summer, my (Tashas) favourite season, the women of Liberty Church are going to come together for a Garden Party. Sign Up here.

School Of Worship
As we mature as a church, we want to grow and strengthen in every area - including worship. School Of Worship is about more than musicianship, it is about learning to take our worship to greater levels. City Tribe Church, Texas will be leading this special School Of Worship.

Love London
A fun day of outreach across London based on Monopoly. Everyone will be split into teams that will go out and to get points by taking part in evangelistic and competitive tasks. SIGN UP HERE

Worship Night with City Tribe Church
A night of worship led by a team from City Tribe Church, Texas. We will meet at our venue (St Hilda’s East Community Centre, Shoreditch).
Places are limited so please SIGN UP HERE

Baptism Interest Meeting
We LOVE baptisms - we see it as an incredibly important sacrament of being a follower of Jesus. If you are interested in getting baptised then we have an interest meeting on Zoom on Sunday 21st May 7:30pm. If you want to come, please click here to sign up. (By attending the interest meeting you are not commiting to get baptised - it's a great chance to get questions answered).

Resurrection Sunday
We would LOVE you to come and celebrate Easter with us, Easter Sunday aka Resurrection Sunday is the most important date in the Church calendar.
We meet at St Hilda's East Community Centre, Shoreditch, E2 7EY. Arrive 10:30am / Start 11am
There are kids activities.

Good Friday Walk Up Primrose Hill
Good Friday is an important day in the Christian calendar, which we believe is important to mark.
We plan to come together to walk to the top of Primrose Hill, to pray over London and take communion together. We will then either have a picnic on the hill* (weather permitting). We will meet at 10:15am outside the exit of Camden Town Tube Station (opposite the Vans store).
We would love you to join us. We feel this is a deeply important time to gather as a community.
There is no cost, but please sign up so that we know to wait for you.
*Please bring your own picnic

All Team
If you serve on a team (or are interested in serving on a team) then we would love you to join us for the first All Team of the year!
All Team is a chance to have fun together (take part in our version of Taskmaster), have some food, worship and pray. This All Team we are also going to talk through our 1 year, 3 year and 10 years Vision for Liberty Church London.
Please sign up so we know numbers for catering.